jueves, 17 de abril de 2008

Aztec's work hierarchy & life (Web project)

The Aztecs had a strongly hierarchical social organization, with various social classes, which are divided into: slaves, commoners and nobles, subordinate to the ruler who exercised power in a theocratic monarchy and militaristic. The society was divided into pillis or noble, and the common people or masehual.

Each of these groups had, in turn, a hierarchy. In the first eslafón of pillis was the supreme ruler, it was followed by the priests, warriors and civilians, and finally were merchants. The foundation of this society was the farmer, who received the name of macehualli. Its main function was to work the land, but was also warrior. This was an Indian macehualli short stature, tireless, able to carry a load of 35 kilograms for fifteen hours a day. The color of their skin varied from brown to dark brown clear.

Women Aztecs were smaller stature, his men continued on their long marches carrying some of the burden. The dress was simple and wore the same garment day and night. All the peasants and Indians wearing loincloths common used to go naked and barefoot until he became socially significant.

Agriculture was the basis of the life of the Aztecs, the number of cultivated species was abundant, but the essential element was the corn. In contrast, livestock was very poor, since the number of domesticated animals was very low: the most important were the turkey and various species of dogs, one of which was to consume meat.

The basis of society was a group of families organized into clans, called calpullis. Each clan had some autonomy: possessed their lands, their gods, their temples and administration. They were led by a chief elected by the council of elders, and sent a delegate to the supreme council of Tenochtitlán. This council chose four military chiefs, who in turn elect the head of men, as designating the Aztec emperor. In this way, this was not a hereditary position nor given by divine power, but democratically elected. Upon arrival of the Spaniards ruled the mighty Moctezuma.

The calpulli was the basis of the social structure Aztec. Aglutinaba to lineages of patrilineal descent. The calpulli owned land lineage, which were distributed annually among the various families according to the members that made up. The task fell on the head of calpulli, which was the most elderly, who also competed preside over the ceremonies honoring the spirits of their ancestors. Each of the calpullis had its own temple.

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