viernes, 25 de abril de 2008

Sports and entertainment in Aztec civilization (Web project)

Games played by children Aztecs, and toys that they preferred to do so were mixed. The toys were manufactured by themselves or by their parents. A toy used by children Aztecs was a spinning top which called pepetotl. In this regard, it should be noted that the great enthusiasm for this game now have children throughout Latin America, which have tops of various shapes and sizes.

Also children playing with paper dolls, and articulated dolls; chichitli was a toy in the form of a dove that children used as a whistle, this toy can be seen at present, there are different forms, sounds, sizes and some of They operate with water simulating the birds singing. Children Aztecs, like the Greeks and Romans liked to play with mud and sand. This recreational activity is one that attracts more children and at present, since they play to houses, cakes, castles, among other things, represents a great fun and entertainment.

The Aztecs were fans of gaming and gambling took place between them. The totoloque was a popular game that was to launch bodoques some small, some on tejuelos. The player who pulled over tejuelos earned somewhat, and many who arrived five earned the game.

Mapepena "collect" and maitl "hand", literally means collecting by hand. This was a game of the Aztecs which consisted of players who gambled a certain amount of fields of mud or seeds, then a player stood on the back of his hand and bet the seeds into the air resulting seed, tried to catch the largest number of them before they falling to the ground.

Among the sporting activities practiced by the Aztecs were racing, hunting, wrestling, swimming, fishing, archery. Xochipaina means "run by the flower", this test was taking place at the festival in honor of the goddess Chiuacoaltl, and was that all young people were in the bottom of the mountain and, after receiving a signal, leaving running costs top and finish first should take some flowers offerings to the goddess. The winner was cheering for others to honor their ability to please Chiuacoaltl.

The Aztecs gymnasts received the name of mayotuncuepani, performed various acrobatic exercises, as three men climbed on the shoulders of a teammate, the last column and jump to various movements before falling; another exercise that would observe the dexterity and agility gymnasts Aztecs, was that one of these is acostara on their backs with their feet to maintain a beam of cylindrical wood, which performed different movements.

Rituals (Web project)

The xiuhpohualli was a historical calendar: counting events in civilian life. It consisted of 18 months with 20 days each. For twelve months, is honoring the gods of vegetation and earth, and keeps the rain, particularly Tlaloc and his wife Chalchiuhtlicue. During these months, sacrificed to women (fertility), and young children whose tears wore rain. Sacrifice also to prisoners who skinned. The six other months honored to divinities-fire or war, as Huitzilopochtli.

The century Aztec lasted 52 years. At the end of this cycle time, the Aztecs lived full of anguish: the world could be condemned to disappear if the sun does not rise again. Thus, moving from one cycle to another 52 years was extremely dangerous and to encourage the sun is used to practice a ritual special: fire again.

At dusk, priests went to temple located at the summit of Cerro de la Estrella and hoped the appearance of the Pleiades. Then a fire was lit again in the chest of a slaughtered. Then, priests turned on torches and they went lighting altars. So could wake up the sun again.

Aztec's rituals (Web project)

Rituals were very important for the Aztec civilization. The religion was omnipresent in the life of the Aztecs because they believed they were the chosen people and that they had to fulfill a mission to build an ideal world. Thus, each month one or more parties involved.
The Aztec was a chosen people of the sun, is the Pratica human sacrifice to ensure their existence. The Aztecs wanted to convert their monarch at the king of the world and Mexico Tenochtitlan in the capital of the empire.
The priests are easily recognized by its dark side and the blood they had in the ear. Indeed, practiced self-sacrifice, placed a maguey thorn in the ear or on sex. With the magic substance, blood, which represents life, they celebrated impressive ceremonies.

The festivals and rituals abounded in the Aztec civilization, at least once every month of 13 days. They had a religious origin and often behaved human sacrifices, organized amid ritual dances and music. Sometimes priests practiced self-sacrifice, remove blood from the ear or penis with a thorn of maguey, for offering to the gods.

jueves, 24 de abril de 2008

Aztec civilization video (Class assignment)

In this video are very complete information about the Aztec empire.

This link was taken from

U.S. economy (Class assignment)

The economic system of any nation is the mechanism that incorporates natural resources, manpower, technology and managerial and entrepreneurial talent. The main objective of the entire economic system is to provide first and then meet the needs of society through the production and distribution of goods and services.

The first ingredient of the American economic system are natural resources from which the goods are produced. The United States received a double blessing of a land rich in mineral resources and fertile for farming, coupled with a climate benign. Secondly, the amount of manpower available to help determine the health of an economy. Generally, the U.S. has been fortunate to have enough people to constitute the necessary manpower for an ever-expanding economy. A third factor is the quality of manpower available. To evaluate the success of an economy is important to know how hard it is ready to work and how people are trained.

However, the existence of r4ecursos abundant natural and skilled manpower and well prepared, explains only part of the story. These resources should be directed as efficiently as possible to areas where they are most productive. In the U.S. economy, capital and administration play this role. Should be available in abundant resources to make significant investments. In the United States access to these resources abundant means that employers must have enough money.

Once that was done business investment capital, should be recruited someone to manage the new company. The modern North America has developed a chain of authority, from foreman to the executive. Good management is the difference between a successful economy or not. In the United States used to say that management was mainly a matter of systematic analysis, the "scientific management" became something real. Because of this the economic system of the United States is free enterprise one.

lunes, 21 de abril de 2008

Women are the biggest cause of road rage in Bogotá (Class assignment)

Women are the most beautiful thing in life. However, we must accept that the relationship between women and cars has not always been the best. If we check the statistics about traffic accidents in Bogotá, we can see that a high percentage of them is caused by the road rage that women can lead every day.
Road rage caused by women makes roads more unsafe, even more when we talk about the transit of a big city as Bogotá. Bogota's traffic has become increasingly problematic due to various factors related to the behavior of women on the road. For example, on the Caraca's Avenue female drivers may get frightening because in this zone there always are trucks, busses, Transmilenio, a lot of taxis, etc, and women are more nervous than men when they drive.
There are noticeable factors to explain the road rage caused by women. One of this could be when they make up while driving. Undoubtly this is something that women shouldn't do because it's imprudent and dangerous for other people. This is something that could be compared with a driver using the cellphone while he/she is driving.
To sum up, there are different causes to the road rage exists, however women and their behavior on roads always have been one of the most important, and this is due to a sexist culture that there is in Bogota too.

jueves, 17 de abril de 2008

Aztec's works (Web project)

The Aztec civilization achieved great advances in architecture and engineering, left monumental buildings such as the Pyramid of the Sun and the Colossus of Teotihuacan.

Pyramid of the Sun In Teotihuacan, "The place where men became gods", according to its etymology, is the Pyramid of the Sun 65 metres high and a base of 225 square meters per side.

Teotihuacan emerged as a religious centre around the time of Christ, it was characterized by its monumental buildings becoming the most populous urban centre in the New World. The city seems to have expanded to 20 km2, roughly around 60,000 to 80,000 inhabitants.

Information about aztec civilization (Web project)

The Aztec civilization had trade routes covering the whole area of influence. They were also skilled builders and it is estimated that its capital Tenochtitlan had a population of more than 120000 inhabitants at its peak. Including the surrounding areas and other islands, some historians think that had a population of around 500, 000 people, making it the largest city in the world in the late fifteenth century.

The economy was based on agricultural production, but also developed metallurgy, pottery and gold and copper. They used the exchange system, there were many merchants caravans carrying goods to remote regions where Aztecs were traded blankets, clothes, jewelry and perfumes by cocoa, jaguar fur and feather fans. Economic life is complemented by a large business, the cities exchanged their surplus agriculture, also had a heavy traffic of slaves.
The Aztecs were in constant war with its neighbours, to meet their needs for expansion and capture prisoners. They were used as slaves for human sacrifices. The Aztecs led the human sacrifice to staggering proportions. For the consecration of Greater Pyramid Tenochtitlan in 1487, the Aztecs sacrificed reported having nearly 84400 prisoners in the course of 4 days. His empire expanded as far as what is now Nicaragua.

The Aztecs were highlighted in the construction of cities, science and the various expressions of art. They had their own hieroglyphic writing, a numbering system and a schedule that consisted of 18 months of 20 days each and 5 additional. They developed metallurgy working especially gold and copper. Fabricaron cotton dresses. Her ceramics were characterized by their vessels with polychrome figures.

Aztec's work hierarchy & life (Web project)

The Aztecs had a strongly hierarchical social organization, with various social classes, which are divided into: slaves, commoners and nobles, subordinate to the ruler who exercised power in a theocratic monarchy and militaristic. The society was divided into pillis or noble, and the common people or masehual.

Each of these groups had, in turn, a hierarchy. In the first eslafón of pillis was the supreme ruler, it was followed by the priests, warriors and civilians, and finally were merchants. The foundation of this society was the farmer, who received the name of macehualli. Its main function was to work the land, but was also warrior. This was an Indian macehualli short stature, tireless, able to carry a load of 35 kilograms for fifteen hours a day. The color of their skin varied from brown to dark brown clear.

Women Aztecs were smaller stature, his men continued on their long marches carrying some of the burden. The dress was simple and wore the same garment day and night. All the peasants and Indians wearing loincloths common used to go naked and barefoot until he became socially significant.

Agriculture was the basis of the life of the Aztecs, the number of cultivated species was abundant, but the essential element was the corn. In contrast, livestock was very poor, since the number of domesticated animals was very low: the most important were the turkey and various species of dogs, one of which was to consume meat.

The basis of society was a group of families organized into clans, called calpullis. Each clan had some autonomy: possessed their lands, their gods, their temples and administration. They were led by a chief elected by the council of elders, and sent a delegate to the supreme council of Tenochtitlán. This council chose four military chiefs, who in turn elect the head of men, as designating the Aztec emperor. In this way, this was not a hereditary position nor given by divine power, but democratically elected. Upon arrival of the Spaniards ruled the mighty Moctezuma.

The calpulli was the basis of the social structure Aztec. Aglutinaba to lineages of patrilineal descent. The calpulli owned land lineage, which were distributed annually among the various families according to the members that made up. The task fell on the head of calpulli, which was the most elderly, who also competed preside over the ceremonies honoring the spirits of their ancestors. Each of the calpullis had its own temple.

Moctezuma, an aztec hero (Class assignment)

Moctezuma Ilhuicamina or Moctezuma I the Great (Flechador del cielo) (1398 - † 1469) He was the fifth tlatoani or Aztec emperor (1440 - 1469).

As the son of Emperor Huitzilíhuitl II in 1417 He assumed the command of the Aztec army, which maintained during the reigns of his half-brother Chimalpopoca (1417-1427) and his uncle Itzcóatl (1427 - 1440). Upon the death of the latter was elected sovereign Moctezuma Ilhuicamina Aztec Empire under which began an era of expansion, which was assisted by his classic allies, the small States of Texcoco and Tlacopan. Having defeated Cuauhtlatoa, king of Tlatelolco, which had tried to gain the throne Aztec, subjecting Atonal, lord of Coixtlahuaca in 1461, and destroy the cities of Chalco and Tepeaca, he extended his domain to areas of Guerrero, Hidalgo , Puebla, Oaxaca and Veracruz part, dominating throughout the highlands of Anahuac.

With these victories could consolidate absolute power, theocratic, compared with the predominant influence of the military nobility and priesthood. However, it was impossible to prevent a series of natural disasters, such as floods and famines, devastaran his rule, which ended lie in a new wave of human sacrifices to appease the wrath of the gods. Because of that, he began to call flowery wars (1450), which were annual campaigns against independent cities of Tlaxcala and Huejotzingo which were designed to capture prisoners to be slaughtered in their rituals. Since 1456, when all obstacles were overcome, the State Aztec regained prosperity and its capital, Tenochtitlan (now Mexico City), met with a time of economic and artistic splendor without precedent. Despite its severity and authoritarian and his inability to rule the inability to give an efficient administration, Moctezuma I could earn the esteem and respect for his subjects and hold until his death.

He extended the territory of the Triple Alliance. He organized a system of taxation which allowed a city Tenochtitlan become very powerful. He was king of the Mexicas.
(Image taken from

Students cheating on a quiz (Class assignment)

Through the years as a student in the school ande the college and even in the university people become lazy to study, due to it is easier to pass the courses cheating than being honest and working hard. Also the culture is an important factor for this bad habit. However, even when we know that cheating is not useful for our learning, we still do it.
One of the worst effects of cheating is that it becomes an habit whereby students can come to depend on to pass exams, and because of this level of learning can be greatly affected. Likewise, students develop inability to confront and solve the problems presented to them.

miércoles, 2 de abril de 2008

Astec's family structure and traditions (Web project)

In Aztec culture, as in most other civilizations, the family unit was very important. There were several levels of organization in Aztec family life beginning with the base family unit. The base family unit consisted of two parents and their unmarried children. The main functions of the base family unit were education of the children and food preparation. Many base family units, however, banded together to form extended families. The households of extended families were usually composed of several brothers and their families. The primary functions of the extended families were to coordinate land use and food production (such as growing crops). In most cases, extended families contained just a few base family units. In large cities, however, they often grew to many more.

The Tetzkatlipoka Tradition is a part of the Mexikayotl or Aztec culture and its purpose is to develop consciousness. The foundation of this tradition is a system called Nawi Ollin Teotl (Movement of the Four Energies). There are four great energies in the Universe. When these energies move in a favorable manner they generate harmony and supreme balance. Four fundamental levels also form human beings: the physical body (nakatl), the mind (matik), the emotional (pampa), and the energy field (tonalli). When these four aspects are in balance in the individual, they will allow the soul (newatl) to manifest and flow in the most optimal way.
The knowledge and wisdom of the members of the Tetzkatlipoka Tradition has been passed down through observation, practice and experience. Kept hidden within Mexhika families since 1521, the transmission has been uninterrupted. In the year 1989 the decision was made to open the Tradition and to share the knowledge and practices with humanity and all it’s cultures and traditions.